Back-to-School , birthday gifts , Blogs , Father's Day , Gift ideas , Gifts for him , holidaygifts , Mother's Day , Names , personalized gifts , Signs
Kristen Sykes · April 12, 2016
Just a little "coffee talk" on this rainy Tuesday morning (and nothing speaks to me like coffee)!
Baby Gifts , birthday gifts , Blogs , Gift ideas , Names , personalized gifts , Signs
Kristen Sykes · April 5, 2016
birthday gifts , Blogs , Gift ideas , Gifts for him , Names , personalized gifts , Signs
Kristen Sykes · March 3, 2016
Time for a St. Croix throwback of some “serious” card playing on the beach…it was a rough day ;-)
Blogs , Gift ideas , holidaygifts , Names , personalized gifts , pop art , Signs
Kristen Sykes · October 13, 2015
Check out this week's newsletter (we'd love it if you'd sign up too!).
birthday gifts , Blogs , Father's Day , Gift ideas , Gifts for him , holidaygifts , Names , personalized gifts , Signs
Kristen Sykes · October 8, 2015
Time for a throwback video -- "Building a house of cards is hard!"
Blogs , Names , personalized gifts , Signs
Kristen Sykes · September 3, 2015
Repost (in honor of throwback Thursday) of our Harrison, who happens to be going to his HS orientation today! When did that happen?!
Baby Gifts , birthday gifts , Blogs , Gift ideas , Gifts for him , holidaygifts , personalized gifts , Signs
Kristen Sykes · February 8, 2015
Surname baby names are growing in popularity for boys and girls! Check out this list from!
Blogs , Signs , personalized gifts
Kristen Sykes · January 15, 2015
Throwback of Harrison (with his super cool older cousin!) gearing up for a "road trip" in his Uncle's vintage car :-)
Back-to-School , birthday gifts , Gift ideas , holidaygifts , personalized gifts , Signs
Kristen Sykes · January 2, 2015
Looking for an iPhone 6 case? Well, look no further! ;-)
Signs , personalized gifts
Kristen Sykes · December 30, 2014
This is what 14 looks like! Happy Birthday to our Harrison! :-)
Blogs , personalized gifts , Signs , Gift ideas
Kristen Sykes · December 12, 2014
Throwback of my HARRISON at age 1 :-)
birthday gifts , Gift ideas , holidaygifts , personalized gifts , Signs , wedding gifts
Kristen Sykes · December 7, 2014
It's Letter Writing Day! When was the last time you put pen to paper to get in touch with someone? There's nothing like the personal touch of a handwritten note :-)
Back-to-School , birthday gifts , Gift ideas , personalized gifts , Signs
Kristen Sykes · August 30, 2014
We now have personalized iPad MINI cases available right here on our website and on our Etsy shop called SignYourNames! :)
Gift ideas , personalized gifts
Kristen Sykes · June 27, 2014
Since we're very lucky to be visiting my Mom in beautiful St. Croix, I thought it was appropriate to post a throwback of our son, Harrison, (along with a photo taken today!).
birthday gifts , Gift ideas , personalized gifts , wedding gifts
Kristen Sykes · June 23, 2014
Rainy day puzzle making by Harrison!