Blogs, Gift ideas, Names, Signs, personalized gifts
You live where?!
YOU LIVE WHERE?! We found a list of some of the weirdest names for towns across the United States (yes, we’re looking at you HELL, MICHIGAN and PEE PEE, OHIO!).
Personalized products and gifts featuring any name in photos of actual signs or spelled out in letters!
Blogs, Gift ideas, Names, Signs, personalized gifts
YOU LIVE WHERE?! We found a list of some of the weirdest names for towns across the United States (yes, we’re looking at you HELL, MICHIGAN and PEE PEE, OHIO!).
Blogs, Gift ideas, Names, personalized gifts, Signs
Apparently, here in the U.S., we pretty much allow parents to name their child anything they like. Only in New Jersey have names been banned that include obscenities, symbols and numerals. So, a family was in the clear when they chose to name their child Adolf Hitler! And, no one could stop Penn Jillette from bestowing the name of Moxie Crimefighter on his little one!
However, the rest of the world is not as relaxed as the United States. We found this awesome article that gives 22 examples of baby names that were shut down for one reason or another. For example, a French couple was denied by a French judge when they tried to name their child NUTELLA, after the sweet and delicious chocolate hazelnut spread, because it can only lead to "mockery." Other names mentioned are (believe it, or not) Osama Bin Laden, @, "."(pronounced "full stop"), Robocop, and Sex Fruit. Folks, I wish I was making this stuff up. Check out the rest of these insane names right here for a shocking read!
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Our latest newsletter is up! Just click the link (pssst...we're having a giveaway too)!
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Want to check out our latest newsletter, and enter our FREE Poster Giveaway?! Then click here!
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We’ve been framed! Read all about it here!
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Our latest newsletter is HOT OFF THE PRESS! Catch it right here!
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Our latest newsletter is out! Have a look and enter our latest baby onesie GIVEAWAY😊
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Yay! Here it is! Check out our fantastic feature on @Helloimhandmade! So appreciated!
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Look for us this afternoon on @helloimhandmade! So super excited (and grateful) for this awesome feature!
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Huge thank you to @savingyoudinero for this awesome blog feature showcasing our Baby Onesie Giveaway! Check it out!
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It's up! Our first newsletter of 2016! Click the link below for a fun read 😊
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Want a fun little read? Then check out our latest newsletter!
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Want a fun, light read? Check out our latest newsletter and maybe sign up! :-)
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Check out some of the pages of our latest blog! Want to read more? Just click the link below! :-)
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