Blogs, Gift ideas, Names, personalized gifts, Signs
What the heck?
What the heck does this sign say? "Drumgum"? "Origami"? Oh well, whatever it is, it's certainly "original" 😂
Personalized products and gifts featuring any name in photos of actual signs or spelled out in letters!
Blogs, Gift ideas, Names, personalized gifts, Signs
What the heck does this sign say? "Drumgum"? "Origami"? Oh well, whatever it is, it's certainly "original" 😂
Blogs, Gift ideas, Names, personalized gifts, Signs
You probably thought I’d put a motivational quote with this one…but, no, it’s just a successful sign folks 😉
Blogs, Gift ideas, Names, Signs
Life is better when you're laughing -- just ask the lady on the facade of this building. So ironic!
Back-to-School, birthday gifts, Blogs, Gift ideas, Graduation gifts, holidaygifts, Mother's Day, Names, personalized gifts, Signs
Don’t know about you, but I always work with pineapples and gourds on my desk space.
Blogs, Gift ideas, Names, personalized gifts, Signs
Because all the exciting hotels were booked.
Blogs, Names, personalized gifts, Signs
Looks like the only way to get this Pikachu is in a battle with a rigged carnival game 😒
Blogs, Names, personalized gifts, Signs
Spotted this epic “sail” fail on Saturday 😂
Blogs, Gift ideas, Names, personalized gifts, Signs
So, can you guess what name this is? It's all over Facebook that this woman actually spelled her baby's name this least she's creative???
Blogs, Gift ideas, Names, personalized gifts, street art
This peely parrot doesn't want a cracker! He wants it to be Friday already dang it!!!
Blogs, personalized gifts, Names, Signs, street art
This is super creative and cool…unless I see Tippi Hedren go by. Then I’m outta here.
Blogs, personalized gifts, Signs
I went looking for Wilson ;-)
I've discovered where the Batmobile is parked...subtle ;-)
Blogs, personalized gifts, Signs, street art
Choose your weapon??? Guess he's the Lone Banana Ranger!
Blogs, personalized gifts, Signs
Ok, we had a blast with this one! It's QUIRKY COUNTRY MUSIC SONG TITLES DAY! So, here's a title we just couldn't pass up, ha!
Blogs, personalized gifts, Signs
I'm just going to "duck in" here for a quick drink since it's Saturday night, and all :-)
What the what?!
Just thought I'd leave you this evening with a creepy guy sign...nighty night.
Gift ideas, personalized gifts, Signs
I find this sign very MOVING ;)
A little oddity to get you up and "running" this Monday morning! Bizarre!
Today is Guinness World Record Day -- so, here are some of the strangest records to beat, if you were really bored today, lol! --
Farthest milk squirting distance;
Longest distance keeping a table lifted by teeth;
Hairiest teenager;
Cat with the loudest purr!